Thursday, May 19, 2011

Math and Science Spectacular 2011!!!

April 19th was the second annual Math and Science Spectacular.  Over
200 EGJ students and their families attended.  They played games,
participated in science experiments and had a lot of fun!  Thank you
to all the families who helped make this event a success.  We cannot
wait to see you next year!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mr. Baker Arrested for MDA

Mr. Baker was arrested on March 10th, 2011 while raising money for the MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association). He reached his goal and was released on bail later that day.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Art News!

     The sixth graders each mixed the 12 colors of the color wheel from the 3 primary colors using tempera paint. Then they created a composition showcasing “12 of something”. This was a difficult project with many steps. The students listened, worked hard, and did a wonderful job. Below are a couple of samples.

       Fifth grade started the year with a folded paper project assembled into a radial symmetry design. The surprise ending was that each color was assigned a numerical value. The students counted how many of each color they had used then multiplied by the assigned value and added to a total. 

  Next they created beautiful tissue paper flowers. The details were added with Sharpie. 

Fourth Grade started the year with crater pictures. These were done in black Sharpie trying to create a 3-dimensional illusion on a 2-dimensional page. The art imitated the Op. Art style popular in the 1950’s and 60’s. Op. Art is a style of art that use optical illusions as a basis for their pictures. The word Op. is short for optical. Below are examples of the student’s work.

The second project included radial symmetry and a construction paper design. 
The fourth graders recently made a “scratchboard” fall leaf picture. This was used to teach the principle of focus or the main part of the picture.